*drip* *drip* *drip*
Huh? It's raining outside but why is my cubible getting wet?
*runs to boss*
Me: "S, is there a laboratory right above us?"
S: "Yes, you're directly below a lab."
Me: "Because something is dripping on my desk."
S: "WHAT?!"
Long story short, someone upstairs had broken a De-Ionized Water valve and pushed all the water to a drain which overflowed and well, landed on the floor below them. (no I did not write blow them :p). Here are pictures of the damage.

Trash cans attempt to catch the falling water.

My "rain suit up" coat is used to cover my PC monitor.

But hey, things can't be all bad?! Riight?!
Well, after being relocated at work for the day, I just couldn't wait to get off. Being the night before Valentine's Day, I wasn't sure about wanting to head out. But for some reason, M & J always, somehow, get me to go along. :)
So we had a lil pre-party, grabbed K and J, and pre-partied some more and headed out to "The Room" in Santa Monica. I was definitely hyped as I've heard so many good things about this place (fun, good music, lots of dancing, and the british asian girl who greets the patrons). I'll be honest, I was really looking forward to the latter, but as we got there, there was no one. It was a ghost town. "F****** recession." M screamed. It was dead. We drove around a bit longer around the area hitting up all the local places but no luck. Starting to lose that "loving feeling" we all had, we all started to frantically text as many people as we could, looking for a place to party. No luck :(. (BTW J, you need to take my phone away from me earlier!) Luckily on the way back, we ended up in Hermosa where we stopped by Patrick Malloy's which was poppin. I was happy. I got to dance.
And that my friend's is how I spent Friday the 13th.

We're awesome!
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